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‘Nick Offerman explains the pleasures of woodworking and why he won’t vote for Trump.’ Read the full interview with Esquire here.

Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls came for a tour at OWS and streamed it live on Facebook.  Check out the video.

Nick’s third book ‘Good Clean Fun’ gets a mention along with up-coming book tour dates in Entertainment Weekly, check out the article here.

OWS at PS Arts benefit

OWS recently had the opportunity to give back to the community by participating in PS Arts’ 25th anniversary benefit. Lee and Matty, along with friends from Angel City Lumber, ventured down to Hollywood for an epic soiree with a good cause.

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Summer Slabbing with Angel City Lumber

We recently teamed up with the brawn and brains of Angel City Lumber for our quadrennial slabbing session. ACL run a sustainable lumber operation that collaborates with municipalities and private landowners to keep fallen trees from the landfill or the wood chipper and instead transform them into beautiful lumber and slabs.

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Nick shares some reflections with This Old House host Kevin O’Connor about how and where his love of woodworking first began.